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NHK confirms 10 million times usual levels in reactor No. 2 (VIDEO)...

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#1 Bob-C



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 02:21 AM

Hi everyone, according to enenews.com, "NHK confirms 10 million times usual levels in reactor No. 2 (VIDEO)."enenews.com also reports that, " TEPCO believes reactors No. 1, 2, and 3 are breached and leaking radioactive liquid – NHK (VIDEO) Cheers, :)Bob-C

Edited by Bob-C, 27 March 2011 - 02:26 AM.

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#2 arbman



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 02:36 AM

Are we going to have a nuclear winter? That's like 3,000 atomic bombs going off, although this is slowly leaking how soon can they cool these down and pour concrete in there to turn them into permanent nuclear graves???

#3 arbman



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 02:39 AM

Remove (duplicate post)

Edited by arbman, 27 March 2011 - 02:41 AM.

#4 teknobucks



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 07:25 AM

comparing similarities here.....ussr's meltdown v. japan's tokyo is twice as far from nuke plant as chernobyl's prox. to kiev most likely fukushima prefecture will be sealed up for many years and tokyo will sit tight 4 me: buying food and nrg stocks minus anything nuke

#5 CLK



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 07:50 AM

I think it's time for the potassium iodide pills here in the states. Look........these plants contain far more nuclear material than a nuclear warhead, there is fallout from a bomb but most of it burns up in the explosion. I think they need to quit pumping seawater through if it is discharged out to sea. Scrap everything and start the concrete pours. Then after the situation is better start adding layers of lead tarps and more concrete. Still won't be much protecting the soil under the plant though.

#6 spielchekr



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 08:40 AM

Nobody has proven themselves to be a credible source of information for this mess, and in fact this only serves to make all news and reports even less credible. But here's the latest response:

Japan: Huge radiation spike at plant was a mistake

#7 Sentient Being

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Posted 27 March 2011 - 08:49 AM

Cheers? Doesn't sound too cheerful, Bob!

Well at least all these new wars, nuclear meltdowns, and continued economic problems in Europe have moved Charlie Sheen off the front page!

Hi everyone, according to enenews.com, "NHK confirms 10 million times usual levels in reactor No. 2 (VIDEO)."enenews.com also reports that, " TEPCO believes reactors No. 1, 2, and 3 are breached and leaking radioactive liquid – NHK (VIDEO) Cheers, :)Bob-C

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#8 teknobucks



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 09:06 AM

Nobody has proven themselves to be a credible source of information for this mess, and in fact this only serves to make all news and reports even less credible. But here's the latest response:

Japan: Huge radiation spike at plant was a mistake

when has a government or public utility been honest about any catastrophe in the past ??? WHY would they???? 2 start panic?

so let's assume the utility and japanese government proclaim it's a "melt down light" & everything is under control...just ignore the several explosions and radiation levels.

ha......& now the US Navy can keep the radioactive metals cool with a few barges of fresh water???.....the reality is at some point SOON they MUST seal in concrete unit #3. maybe a couple of other units at fukushima .....time 2 get moving we have much more technology now to deal with this than the soviets had

& thats probably the only reason no deaths have occurred yet.

ps: foreign news has much more on this nuke topic.... course we all know all news is biased is some way

#9 nimblebear


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Posted 27 March 2011 - 10:02 AM

Im wondering if anyone saw my prior posts to get the heck out of Japan ? Its too bad people are finding this out now, far after these people likely knew how bad it would be. There's enough radiation able to come from the fuel there to kill every man, woman, and child on the entire planet. While not likely to be able to dispersed to such, its an illustration of how dire the situation truly is, and the challenges associated with containing such a disaster. Anyone within 1 mile of that plant is on a suicide mission unfortunately. The salt laden ocean cooling water they used will likely lead to complete meltdowns of at least 3 of the 6 reactors.

#10 arbman



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Posted 27 March 2011 - 10:15 AM

Credible information of publicly available and highly sensitive radiation monitors, they suggest nothing important;


We are getting radioactivity, but it is still much less than our other activities, still tens of thousands times less.

I think this is nowhere near. I was a 13 yr old boy living about 900 miles away from Chernobyl when it happened. The northern parts of Turkey got contaminated a little bit, but the number of cancer cases in kids increased a bit from 3 in 10000 to say 15 in 10000 and then disappeared within a few years, there were some increase in the rate of birth defects in the first 10 years, but still very low. Many livestock and wild animal consumption from parts of Germany and Sweeden and other neighboring countries remains restricted even today. But I guess we survived it...

I believe Japanese fish, most vegetable and rice imports will remain probably restricted after this...