He also said the Dow would go to 25,000 after November and that the dollar will just keep going up as capital from the rest of the world continues to pour into it and the blue chips similar to what happened in the 1930's. Europe is in big trouble and will fall apart first.
There is 30 Trillion dollars in government bank reserves and wealth funds, "more than enough to make the stock market fly".
Biggest short position in world is the dollar which will give it lots of fuel to rise. China may attack Japan which will cause Japanese capital to move to the dollar too.
After October 2015 the world's economy just looks like it will fall off a cliff, north america is holding everything up now according to MA.
These are longer term forecasts, there could be some relief for the metals coming in the near term (weeks) as the rubber band is getting stretched.
Martin also said that Silver will lose about 1/3 more which will take it down to around 13... the .764 level, which is also the intersection of the uptrend line.
Edited by Russ, 21 September 2014 - 02:56 AM.