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Even More Vaccine Studies

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#1 fib_1618



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 09:50 AM

This will keep the “mRNA vaccines don’t cause any damage” crowd very busy in their supreme effort of circling the wagons around the political, media and technology induced agendas of assimilating the masses into a totalitarian society…about 1000 linked studies from around the world: https://tinyurl.com/yc6xc5zw

Remember, in the past, it usually took years for vaccines to go through trials before being approved for public use…and even then, there have been some that were later pulled as being dangerous. Don’t let “fear porn” distract you from making a well informed, non reversible, decision.





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#2 pdx5


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Posted 13 January 2022 - 10:53 AM

246 Million Americans chose to get vaccinated!

Have 2,460,000 Americans perished from the vaccine? If yes provide links please.

Otherwise vaccines are AT LEAST 99% safe.

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#3 hhh



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 10:55 AM

99% safe is not good enough for a disease that has a 99.7% survival rate for all but the sickest and oldest when only 20% maximum might get infected. What are you thinking? Furthermore, long term effects are a complete unknown. It may cause everyone to get cancer who took it. It takes 20 years to get cancer from smoking or microwave radiation. Already there's a huge increase in cancer remissions reversing. The prognosis is not good with what we already know.

Edited by hhh, 13 January 2022 - 10:56 AM.

#4 fib_1618



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 12:07 PM

246 Million Americans chose to get vaccinated!

Have 2,460,000 Americans perished from the vaccine? If yes provide links please.

Otherwise vaccines are AT LEAST 99% safe.


You may want to try reading and understanding at least 2 or 3 of the studies before you continue to parrot this disingenuous garbage.


One THOUSAND studies, that came with the same overall conclusions, can not and should not be ignored....especially when a majority are written without government grants that can pollute the outcomes.



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#5 brucekeller



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 02:03 PM

This will keep the “mRNA vaccines don’t cause any damage” crowd very busy in their supreme effort of circling the wagons around the political, media and technology induced agendas of assimilating the masses into a totalitarian society…about 1000 linked studies from around the world: https://tinyurl.com/yc6xc5zw

Remember, in the past, it usually took years for vaccines to go through trials before being approved for public use…and even then, there have been some that were later pulled as being dangerous. Don’t let “fear porn” distract you from making a well informed, non reversible, decision.





"The term “vaccine” was changed recently to incorporate this illegal, unlawful medical experiment to facilitate usage of mRNA technology that is demonstrably not a vaccine, and which contains biologically toxic nano-metamaterials associated with 5G urban data gathering capability."


It also says 1000's of studies support it's dangerous...  


I mean, don't get me wrong, Pfizer made the left side of my face numb for a few weeks and it actually just recurred the other day while I was basically having asthma attacks while sleeping for a week, but once it started going into 5G stuff, kinda lost me lol. 

#6 fib_1618



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 02:44 PM


This will keep the “mRNA vaccines don’t cause any damage” crowd very busy in their supreme effort of circling the wagons around the political, media and technology induced agendas of assimilating the masses into a totalitarian society…about 1000 linked studies from around the world: https://tinyurl.com/yc6xc5zw


Remember, in the past, it usually took years for vaccines to go through trials before being approved for public use…and even then, there have been some that were later pulled as being dangerous. Don’t let “fear porn” distract you from making a well informed, non reversible, decision.






…but once it started going into 5G stuff, kinda lost me lol. 


I raised an eyebrow on that one too, though at the same time, I was also reminded of people putting up videos last year of magnets attaching to their inoculation areas after getting jabbed, and blaming it on nanobots in the vaccines (and why Governments are mandating it’s usage). 🙂


Regardless of this organization's personal agenda, the list does provide balance.



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#7 hhh



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 02:48 PM

5G doesn't cause Covid, but if you look up the symptoms of "microwave sickness" there are a lot of parallels. The real science on the harms of microwave radiation has been suppressed because it's a trillion dollar industry at stake along with huge tax ramifications. Long term exposure to modulated low level microwave radiation is unhealthy. Although not ionizing, it can stll cause DNA breaks due to oxidative stress. One extremely odd characteristic is that the dose response, which holds for all known toxins, does not always apply to microwaves. This makes the science very difficult to carry out and interpret. This is called the "window effect."

#8 hhh



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 04:06 PM

Here's an example of the fraud that the pharma companies and the FDA, NIH, and CDC are involved in: https://twitter.com/...961887609180160

#9 chem



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 04:19 PM

It was obvious very early in 2020 that the spike protein was the biological agent causing damage/death for sars-cov2. Now it should be obvious too all that injecting a KNOWN biological toxin (spike protein) is nothing short of biological warfare. When the disclosure of pharma royalties to NIH/CDC employees goes public sh*t will hit the fan and the calls for Nuremberg 2.0 tribunals will justifiably get louder, and will encompass more than just those who imposed or upheld jab mandates.

#10 hhh



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Posted 13 January 2022 - 04:23 PM

Just to clarify a finer point chem: the mRNA jabs don't inject the spike protein, they do what is very much worse, they provide the instruction to your own body's DNA, enapsulated in a nanolipid shell to bypass your body's defenses, such that your entire body produces the toxic spike protein. If that's not an obvious recipe for autoimmune disorder, I don't what is.