Back in the 1950's public schools had rifle clubs but none of the mass murders commonly seen now.
Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Cognition and Aggressive Behavior
Published Online:11 Jan 2021
In part:
This study provides evidence for the hypothesized effect that violent video games are associated with increased aggression.
Perhaps boys' aggressive cognitive networks can be easily activated when exposing to a violent video game and thus they are more aggressive than girls.
The result is in accordance with previous research that violent video games increase player's aggressive thoughts and aggressive behavior.
Violent video games may activate children's aggressive cognitive networks and knowledge rehearsal structures of aggression, and, therefore, cause an increase in aggressive cognition and aggressive behavior.
Perhaps violent video games predict increased moral disengagement and decreased empathy.
Violent video games may provide a context to cultivate aggressive cognition first, and subsequently cause aggressive behavior outcomes.
violent video games directly or indirectly lead to aggressive behavior, especially for boys.
The effect may only work on some aggressive boys. In this sense, educators should decide which type of video game is suitable for their children rather than uphold the idea that “violent video games are no big deal,” because violent video games lead to aggressive behavior by enhancing aggressive cognition.
Road Rage anyone?
I also believe the addiction to adrenaline rush is a big contributor to this growing threat.
Although adrenaline has an evolutionary purpose, some people take part in certain activities just for the adrenaline rush. Activities that can cause an adrenaline rush include:
Playing a video game (Grand Theft Auto, etc.)
watching a horror movie
cliff jumping
Mass murder
Denial in not a river in Egypt.
Edited by Rogerdodger, 24 November 2022 - 12:50 PM.