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Wild Swings Ahead!


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#1 blustar



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Posted 30 April 2024 - 11:35 AM

I did say that the 4 TD top could come on Wednesday (4+1) and that is indeed what it is doing! Charlie's low was May 1 +/- and looks to be coming on Thursday.

The (X) wave low finished on April 17 being 18 TD's long. Then we began wave (Y) which should also be 18 TD's long, finishing on May 13 as a top!


April 24 was the top of Wave [w] of X of (Y) and measured 5 TD's, then [x] of X of (Y) = 1 TD that finished on April 25 and that brings us to [y] of X of (Y), which completed on Monday and was 2 TD's long. We have been in [z] of X of (Y) which subdivides as 'x-y-z' "x" of [z] and will complete as a bullish irr. flat on Thursday being 4+1 TD's from last Thursday and lasting 3 TD's.


Next we see "y" of [z] of X of (Y) by Friday on the jobs report being 1 TD, then the "z" of [z] of X of (Y) into Monday being 1 TD as a mini panic low somewhere around 4946 SPX I think or lower. This will create a BIG POS D on the daily indicators, creating a 5 TD rally to new highs by May 13, when the Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus. This begins a 5 TD drop to lower lows by May 20 completing (Z) of a bullish (XYZ) flag. That aspect on the 13th (the end of Mercury Rx influence) will be followed by Venus conjoining Uranus and the Sun conjoining Jupiter on the 18th.


According to Merriman, those aspects call for social chaos coming. Once May 20th arrives we bounce into May 28 for the final peak of {Y} which will be followed by the dreaded {Z} into the June 24 low, followed by the irregular low of July 1.


Charlie's low dates seem to be off by 1 TD forward, that is May 1 low, = May 2, May 27 high = May 28, June 13 low = June 14, June 28 low = July 1.


Tomorrow has Venus sq. Pluto in Aquarius before the market opens at the same time the moon in Aquarius hits its last quarter cycle. This is all about debt and civil disorder.


On Thursday, Pluto turns Rx as it moves into early Friday's Mars - Pluto Sextile.


May  1, 2024 12:29 AM Venus  2 Taurus 06 square  Pluto  2 Aquarius 06

May  3, 2024 5:06 AM Mars  2 Aries 06 sextile Pluto  2 Aquarius 06


May  3, 2024 7:50 PM Sun 14 Taurus 01 semi-square Neptune 29 Pisces 01

May  5, 2024 6:21 AM Sun 15 Taurus 24 semi-sextile  True Node 15 Aries 24

May  6, 2024 7:48 AM Saturn 17 Pisces 06 semi-square Pluto  2 Aquarius 06

May  6, 2024 10:26 PM Mercury 21 Aries 02 conjunction  Chiron 21 Aries 02


May 6th is in the Aries moon and we have the message from Mercury again with Chiron, the Wounded Healer all in Aries. The True Nodes in Aries is also a factor and takes us back to the April 10 Eclipse, hints of the coming Aries Vortex, February 2026 and Neptune Rx just 1 degree from Aries on July 2 (Saturn Rx is June 29!). Saturn & Pluto semi-square this weekend, too, as do the Sun and Neptune. I'm looking for ~ a 200 point mini-panic from Friday to Monday!


May 7 to 13:


May  7, 2024 1:42 AM Sun 17 Taurus 10 sextile Saturn 17 Pisces 10

May  9, 2024 12:16 AM Mercury 22 Aries 51 semi-sextile  Uranus 22 Taurus 51

May 10, 2024 8:22 PM Mars  7 Aries 58 semi-square Uranus 22 Taurus 58

May 10, 2024 8:27 PM Venus 14 Taurus 13 semi-square Neptune 29 Pisces 13

May 11, 2024 7:42 AM Sun 21 Taurus 16 semi-sextile  Chiron 21 Aries 16

May 11, 2024 12:50 PM Venus 15 Taurus 03 semi-sextile  True Node 15 Aries 03

May 13, 2024 12:00 AM Mercury 26 Aries 59 semi-sextile  Jupiter 26 Taurus 59

May 13, 2024 5:13 AM Sun 23 Taurus 06 conjunction  Uranus 23 Taurus 06

May 13, 2024 3:45 PM Venus 17 Taurus 40 sextile Saturn 17 Pisces 40




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#2 blustar



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Posted 30 April 2024 - 02:19 PM

Sorry I complicated things about the Balance of Waves Time Principle. Here it is:


Correction: We are completing a Y Wave and "c" of that wave into WEDNESDAY. This is a lot like a third wave and a fifth wave. W ended WED last week and was an [w-x-y] = 5 TD's, [x] of X was 1 TD Wed to Thurs last week, we are in wave "c" of [y] as a "divergent" double bottom has been made! [y] will be 4 TD's, [z] will be 3 TD's into Monday. X will be 8 TD's. Y of (Y) will be 5 TD's. The Time Balance of Waves Principle: Wave [x] + Wave [z] = Wave [y]. This is setting us up for an a-b-c type, divergent down wave into Monday that I call [z]. We could see 5153 SPX tomorrow before the FED announcement.


Bottom Line:I expect a huge up wave into Wed, FED day that could go into the 5150's SPX. This should set us up for an a-b-c type down wave into Monday to below the low of April 19th, which was SPX 4953/54.




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#3 GDA



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Posted 01 May 2024 - 01:21 AM

All I see is somebody in need of serious, professional help, at the university level, preferably in Vienna.

#4 blustar



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Posted 01 May 2024 - 08:29 AM

We are at a 7/8 TD low.  There may be an attempt to rally early on, then fade back down later to near 5015/20 SPX possible. A large rally into early Thursday into the 5150's SPX looks forthcoming to complete an a-b-c Y Wave! This should be followed by an a-b-c Z wave of (X) into late Monday, possibly to new lows, especially on the DJI, I would think.




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#5 blustar



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Posted 01 May 2024 - 08:30 AM

All I see is somebody in need of serious, professional help, at the university level, preferably in Vienna.

Are you a Psyche Major? You know what they say about Psyche Majors....




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#6 blustar



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Posted 01 May 2024 - 09:13 AM

We are timing the exact time of the 4 TD cycle low from Thursday last week. IF all remains equal, we should see a strong rally into Thursday and a top early Friday in the upper 5160's SPX. We are already testing the 5015/20 zone at 5015 SPX.




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#7 blustar



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Posted 01 May 2024 - 11:24 AM

Apr 29, 2024 12:31 AM Mars 28 Pisces 53 conjunction  Neptune 28 Pisces 53, Venus > Taurus, Top


Apr 30, 2024 3:04 PM Venus  1 Taurus 37 semi-square Saturn 16 Pisces 37, Mars > Aries = aggression, big moves up and down coming


May  1, 2024 12:29 AM Venus  2 Taurus 06 square  Pluto  2 Aquarius 06, LQ Moon in Aquarius, Charlie Low, all about debt and the FED


May  3, 2024 5:06 AM Mars  2 Aries 06 sextile Pluto  2 Aquarius 06, 4 TD top due early Friday, Mars and Pluto not a good combo top, Pluto > Rx the day before!


May  3, 2024 7:50 PM Sun 14 Taurus 01 semi-square Neptune 29 Pisces 01; The Sun in Taurus semi-square Neptune puts the kebash on the rally!


May  5, 2024 6:21 AM Sun 15 Taurus 24 semi-sextile True Node 15 Aries 24; Ties in with the Solar Eclipse Theme on April 10, very warlike and topping!


May  6, 2024 7:48 AM Saturn 17 Pisces 06 semi-square Pluto 2 Aquarius 06; This has to do with the Globalists and the Patriots worldwide, false flag?


3 Negative aspects over weekend!



May  6, 2024 10:26 PM Mercury 21 Aries 02 conjunction  Chiron 21 Aries 02; This brings back the Wounded Healer and the Solar Eclipse theme, very warlike, new moon in warlike Aries May 6-7


May  7, 2024 1:42 AM Sun 17 Taurus 10 sextile Saturn 17 Pisces 10; Negative sextile going into New Moon, 4 TD Low: This all goes back to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse Karma thing: The end of a very large drop of ~5% from Friday into early Tuesday! SPX 4920's possible! Saturn also with its semi-sq. to Pluto Rx in Aquarius is about limitations and the Globalists, judgment, war tensions, possible false flag event...




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#8 blustar



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Posted 01 May 2024 - 02:26 PM

We may see an hourly POS D retest of today's SPX low on a gap down Thursday.




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#9 12SPX



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Posted 02 May 2024 - 07:55 AM

Smoothed it out, average short 5080 for the GAP UP lol...  Maybe the cash open will hopefully gap down lol!! 

#10 blustar



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Posted 02 May 2024 - 08:22 AM

The previous wave was a w-x-y [w] wave of Y, so [x] should be an "a-b-c" down. Looks like a "b" wave here. A move down into the 4960's to 70's SPX could occur first before going up more.




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